Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Follow my Heart?

Not a hallmark moment. Recently a friend and I sat down and talked. Talked about what was currently going on in our lives. We also talked about working through stuff. We talked about how we each use to work through stuff; very unhealthy methods. We talked about current frustrations, past dreams, and how it all mixed together. As our conversation was winding down my friend said, "Follow your heart."

What breaks your heart?

What makes your blood really start flowing?

Now you see that means I have to change things up a bit. Take the bull by the horns. Wait, isn't that God's job? Where is the place between handing it to God and doing what you're suppose to do? I'm at the dawn of realizing that it is all Him. My desire for control and my striving really don't amount to much at all. I am just one little red blood cell in the stream, carrying my newly acquired oxygen to whatever capillary bed that God's force puts me into this time around. It's God's heart.

For now I'll hand it to God and just hold on to Him through prayer, scripture, and worship. He'll work out the details.


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