Saturday, April 08, 2006

Jesus: Rebel With A Cause vs Know-it-All

Jesus: Rebel With A Cause vs Know-it-All

"I see Jesus as absolutely being rebellious. That is what got him killed."

Oh? I read this a while back on a blogpost comment. I'm not critizing the author, it just made me think a little. Jesus was a rebel? And that's what got him killed? Or was Jesus a know it all and that pissed off the cool kids (the Pharisees), so they lynched the new kid (Jesus) who might usurp their status (which ultimately He did).

Jesus came to fulfill the Old Testament, to complete it, not rebel against it, or replace it. The Pharisees, so full of themselves and their knowledge, had badly misunderstood, misinterpreted, and misrepresented God's teaching. Jesus corrected them. How many of us like the correction, reality check, questioning, "constructive criticism"?


Blogger Steve Fuller said...


When I made the comment, I wasn't saying Jesus rebelled against God or the Old Testament. I don't think all rebels break the law, they just go against something that is already established or popular. In that sense, I do believe Jesus rebelled against the religion of the Pharisees. He rebelled against "the way things were."

Just my thoughts. Thanks for helping me think through it a little bit more.

Tue Apr 11, 02:39:00 PM 2006  

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