Friday, August 12, 2005

Can of Worms

He pulled out a canopener and started to crank it, "So what are you guys' stories?"

When I was a little girl, I would sometimes try to dig as deep as I could into the ground. There are all sorts of cool creatures in the moist cool earth. It is all so alive and thrilling! I would dig and dig and dig until I found 'em; the earthworms! They would shrink, riggle, crawl, flip, and curl, and the texture! Slimy and cool. Some of you may say, "yuck!" That's OK; I still like those memories. Memories of having my hands in the soil and feeling the life inside the dirt.

Even now when I'm gardening and I come across earthworms, I make sure they make it back into my garden. They're good for the condition of the soil. They loosen up the soil which allows the roots to spread, and they fertilize the soil to feed the plants.

Tonight was a feeling the life deep in the dirt moment. After he cranked the canopener, we all sat for the next few hours and listened to each others stories; where we have been, what moved us to where we are, what our big questions are, and where we hope God will take us.

I am so glad he was bold enough to open the can of worms! You never know what you're getting when you do. Tonight I felt like our soil or fellowship was enriched and we all grew deeper together, as our conversation flipped, riggled, and curled throughout the room. We touched and examined our stories. It was all so alive and thrilling!


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