Tuesday, August 09, 2005


The only "Yes" or "No" that matters are the ones you get from God. There is a lot of gunk that can affect the hearing. Some would call them 'filters.' I just call it gunk. They can be difficult to detect and remove, because they hide in these crooks and crannies, they're impervious to water, they're full of dirt, they're slimy, discolored, and bitter (bitter is a gross memory from the childhood play ground). They don't want to come out of there easily, no one wants to see them, they keep creeping back and they make it impossible to hear clearly.

So I guess when we are struggling to hear from God, we need to ask, "Q-tip, please."


Blogger loren said...

Hello agirloutthere,

God is sometimes hard to hear because we have our own, precovceived notions of what we think He will say, and this tends to put up a wall against what He really wants to say.

I found your blog by clicking on the 'next blog' button, and yours came up. Then I saw in your profile that you're just trying to figure out how to love Jesus.

Just in case, from God's perspective, this is more than a coincidence that I called up your blog, let me invite you to come visit ours. We are building a basic discipleship course with a very intentional focus on Jesus Himself. Really, it sounds like it could be very helpful for you, if you're looking for the basic framework that everyting else fits into. P

lease look at a few postings and pray about it. Hope to hear from you soon.

Tue Aug 09, 02:33:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Ottawa Pocket Watches said...

Nice handle. Nice blog.

Wed Aug 10, 12:45:00 PM 2005  

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