Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Each Bengal Tiger Has It's Own Pattern of Stripes (or Finding Black and White in a Greyish World)

I find myself repeatedly wondering how to make sense of it all. People who believe in God. My God, your God, the “other” god, no god, some god, ‘your own, personal Jesus’ (oh wait, that’s a song, never mind)…

Today, I read someone’s blog that really challenges the thought of a book that I just finished last night. (By the way, thanks AMM for sharing your black and white with us.)

"There is one black and white issue that I will not be moved on. That is this, there is ONE Savior, ONE God, ONE Way." ---AMM

I agree with this (I think). I recently read The Life of Pi by Yann Martel, and it began to put words to the conversations and thoughts that I’ve found to be so challenging.

Life of Pi, is a fantastic read, a beautiful read, for anyone interested. I loved the thought stretching that it required, I loved the adventure, and I loved the imagery. The young boy claims to be Christian, Muslim, and Hindu. He raises a challenging thought (one that many of my friends live out or ask in one way or another). If there is only one God, wouldn't all religions (namely Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Judaism) lead to the one and only God?

Anyway, I'm writing this not to start a huge ugly back and forth, but I would like to hear more thoughts on this; not who’s right and who’s wrong, but how you personally have come to your current conclusions (about the big statement/question and/or the book or simply, which title you think I should have chosen).

PS If anyone would like to read through this together and discuss it along the way, let me know (blog me, email me, or call me). I'll read it again, and probably again, but probably not again again again.


Blogger Annie Michael Murphy said...

I'd love to talk about this. Maybe we can find o hang out time, perhaps in Mt. Adams?

Wed Nov 08, 01:40:00 PM 2006  
Blogger sheplaysamartin said...

yay! you're back!

when i was a little girl, i thought the idea of Jesus living in my heart was the coolest thing ever. and for me, it never stopped being cool. i know that doesn't sound very 'dark and twisty' (as they might put it on grey's). but that's my story, and i'm sticking to it. :) (there are other aspects of my story that are a bit more dark and twisty. it's just that Jesus hasn't been one of those dark and twisty aspects. which i've found comforting...)

Wed Nov 08, 03:36:00 PM 2006  
Blogger Marsha said...

I like the second title.

Welcome back!

Thu Nov 09, 07:52:00 AM 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi c-max, welcome back indeed. I missed you, but I am sure everyone else did. Breaks are good though!

I just wanted to take time out to answer this. Why is Christianity supposed to be so unique? A full answer would be too much, so I will just leave some pointers now. We can meet up and chat some more.

The simple answer is that Christianity is the only one that gives you real authentic relationship with God. One that is based on knowing him, experiencing him, engaging him, and falling in love with him.

You will never hear a Muslim say he loves and knows Allah, or a Buddhist say that about Buddha. However, Christ in his high priestly prayer for all believers defined eternal life as knowledge of God. Not just a knowledge about his ways and reputation, but a knowledge of a responsive being who desires to be known, so he sends his representative (his son) to earth to give men a picture of who he is.

I do however think people of other faiths are going to heaven. Christians just get first dibs here on earth, if they want to.

But you want a more expansive answer? Be careful, cos you know me!

When we say Christianity is the only way to God, what do we mean by that? I think we first need to answer what we mean by God. If “God” is this vague idea that has been in our collective consciousness as a stand-in for a higher intelligence, then of course any system, that seems to take us out of our mundane existence and makes us reflect and think of things other than us can be considered good, noble and surely a path to God.

But what if we think of God as this incredibly complex (maybe complicated) Person who chills on his seat and has thoughts, wishes, dreams, goals, passions, wants etc? What if we could think from his perspective? How might I view things? If I was someone who could do whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted? In addition, I went ahead and created humans to look and function like me, how would I go about it getting them to know and respond to me in a real way? How would I bridge the vast gap from my awesomeness to their frailty?

I have been pondering this for some months now, and I think I am close to something. I will write it out in full next week on myspace. I did not want to crash your blog!

Cheers, have a lovely weekend.

Fri Nov 10, 02:48:00 PM 2006  
Blogger Fairing Well said...

In the bible Jesus Himself said," I AM the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but through me." Therefore, these other religions are worshipping a false God...why? Because they have not gone through Jesus. I do not believe God would send His ONLY son to die on a cross if that was not the ONLY way we could get to Him. That was a huge sacrifice He gave...His only Son.
Love you girlie, hope to see you soon!

Mon Dec 04, 11:31:00 AM 2006  
Blogger Bragg said...

I wanted to take you off Hiatus status, but it appears that you'll be staying there.

Was this a one week break back into the blogging world, or was it meant to be an integration that is just going slower than usual?

Just thought I'd ask. BT loves you.

Wed Dec 06, 07:24:00 AM 2006  
Blogger Bragg said...

oh and yeah, love Life of Pi. Keep me in the loop about that.

Wed Dec 06, 07:24:00 AM 2006  
Blogger Bragg said...

It's the kickball name. You know what my kickball name is. It's somehow stuck.

So yeah, uh, deal with that. oh, and fear me.

Wed Dec 06, 09:51:00 AM 2006  

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