Wednesday, January 03, 2007

You, Me, and The Flying Pig

So I'm running The Pig on May 6th. It's a lot of training and work, so I decided if a huge part of my time was going to go to this, it should go to helping others, doing something more than checking off the "Ran a marathon" box on my life list.

I am trainning with and raising funds with Team in Training for The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. The money we raise will go towards patient support, advocacy, research, and public and professional education as it all relates to blood cell cancers.

My fundraising goal is $1400 by April 13th. So far (01/01/2007) I have about $330. I would love for you to visit my Team in Training webpage and make a donation; and tell all your friends (Blogger, Xanga, MySpace, or otherwise). You can donate $1 or $1 meellllion dollars. You can even do it annonymously, if that's your bag baby.

Thanks for your support!


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