Friday, December 02, 2005

Please Pass The Glue Stick: Artistic Interpretations on Mommy-hood

The women's small group I've been a part of for about 2 years has been growing. Three of the 8 (and now 10) members had four little girls this past year. Recently I found a quote on line from The Kite Runner and sent it to them (being the "clever" non-mommy that I am). They decided to share their interpretations with me (suddenly realizing that I don't have a clue). Anyway, I thought you too might enjoy them (and possibly identify with them).

"Children aren't coloring books. You don't get to fill them in with your favorite colors."
--The Kite Runner

"I think they are more free hand because you don't have a guide, most of the time you can see the apples on the table but you have to figure out how to get that image on the paper."
--Sharon, mommy of the precious twins (aka she who never sleeps)

"I think they are more of a collage, where you have all the pieces to work with, they have all been cut out for you and some of them are even glued in place for you, but you get to decide where to glue some of the pieces. "
--Marnie, mommy of the dinosaur fanatic, the princess in pink, and most recently, the third sweat pea in the pod.


Blogger Notta Wallflower said...

I can relate to the first quote - I have a similar one that I tell parents (of the kids I work with). "Children are not cars - they don't need to be fixed".

Fri Dec 02, 03:37:00 PM 2005  

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